Alcohol in Japan
Now we have many articles that are just dying to be written, how to go about job hunting in Japan, how to avoid over time at work, as well as other great tips on working and living here ย and these bad boys are definitely going to blow your mind. Now donโt worry we do intend to get round to writing these articles. In fact I have just finished writing an article about applying for a working holiday visa for Japan if you are a UK citizen, very useful and very valuable information right there. However as the title implies for this article, first I want to talk about one very…
Applying for a Working Holiday Visa Japan from the UK
This article is going to walk you through how to successfully apply for a Working Holiday Visa for Japan from the United Kingdom. I will supply the EXACT documents that I used and you are more than welcome to take them for yourself, alter them a little and submit them. Heck you can even just change my name to yours and submit them the way they are! The Japanese Working Holiday Visaย is an amazing visa that will allow the holder to stay in Japan for one year, allowing them to work an unlimited amount of hours. Now they do stress that this visa in NOT for people who are specifically…